Flowers for a Wedding Ceremony

Flowers for a Wedding Ceremony

Planning for the big day can be an incredibly stressful experience and part of this stress is due to the seemingly endless array of decisions that need to be made. Added to the tension of course is the fact that said decisions often need to be made within a pretty limited period of time. One of these decisions regards the floral arrangements. The difficulty in making this decision is largely down to the fact that there are so many types of flowers for a wedding ceremony that can be chosen. I will now outline three types of flowers for a wedding ceremony that are currently very popular choices. In my opinion, provided you choose one of them it is very difficult to go wrong.

The Traditional Flowers for a Wedding Ceremony

Though far from the cheapest option, the dream flowers for a wedding ceremony in many brides' eyes are roses. They are the traditional choice and are so because they symbolize both love and happiness. If you are considering roses but you consider red to be a bit of a cliché, they do come in a variety of other colours and therefore you can have roses at your wedding but still have a very unique theme. Sadly however all colours are just as expensive as those of the red variety.

The Most Relaxed Choice of Flowers for a Wedding Ceremony

If all the stress of planning your wedding has left you looking for a more mellow affair, you may find that hydrangeas are the ideal choice. They come in a relaxing spectrum of colours encapsulating white, blue, purple and pink and therefore offer a very low key and spiritual look. They also have the unique advantage of having very wide blooms. What this means is that they can be purchased in far smaller quantities than most flowers and still take up the same amount of space, hence a lower flower bill. Considering many wedding bills are made up of ten percent flowers, this can be a pretty important advantage.

The Brightest Choice of Flowers for a Wedding Ceremony

Without doubt the flowers that symbolize summer are sunflowers and many couples who host their big day during the summer months choose them as their flowers of choice. Though it can be difficult to find an overall colour scheme for your wedding that will not clash with the shocking contrast of yellow and brown, if you manage to make it work, the resulting ceremony is sure to be incredibly beautiful together with that unique hint of optimism that only sunflowers can bring.

In conclusion, the three types of flowers in this list are some of the most popular choices of flowers for a wedding ceremony; however they are by no means the only options. In the end, the choice of flowers is only really important due to the fact that the bride considers them so; therefore always ensure that she gets her way in this category, much like all categories come to think of it.

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